action(UserAction) - Static method in class org.jwaf.core.LogDelegate
Log a user action
addBusinessObject(BusinessObject) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic
Create a new business object in persistence and set encapsulated business object to it.
AddBusinessObjectAction - class org.jwaf.action.AddBusinessObjectAction.
Add the business object per user request.
AddBusinessObjectAction() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.action.AddBusinessObjectAction
addDays(Integer) - Method in class org.jwaf.schedule.WorkDateTime
addDays(WorkDateTime, Integer) - Method in class org.jwaf.schedule.WorkDateTimeUtilityImpl
addEmailNotification() - Method in class org.jwaf.notify.NotificationsBuilder
addInboxNotification() - Method in class org.jwaf.notify.NotificationsBuilder
addNotification(Notification) - Method in class org.jwaf.notify.NotificationCollection


BusinessLogic - class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic.
BusinessLogic.java This is a business logic class that brings Apache Struts and Exolab Castor frameworks together.
BusinessLogic() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic
Default constructor
BusinessLogic(Class) - Constructor for class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic
This is a protected constructor that is intended to be called by inhereting classes by passing the class type of the business object.
BusinessObject - class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject.
BusinessObject class works as an adapter for data objects to provide implementation for both Castor and Struts.
BusinessObject() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
Creates new PersistentBOAdapter
BusinessObjectCollection - class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectCollection.
A collection of business objects, also behaves like a Struts action form
BusinessObjectCollection() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectCollection
BusinessObjectCollection(QueryResults) - Constructor for class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectCollection
BusinessObjectException - exception org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectException.
The base business object exceptions
BusinessObjectException() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectException
Creates new BusinessObjectException without detail message.
BusinessObjectException(String) - Constructor for class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectException
Constructs an BusinessObjectException with the specified detail message.


CastorDelegate - class org.jwaf.persist.CastorDelegate.
The delegate class for providing services related to Exolab Castor persistence engine
CastorDelegate() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.persist.CastorDelegate
Basic constructor
CastorManager - class org.jwaf.persist.CastorManager.
The singleton for managing the persistence engine (Castor)
checkScheduleForUpdates() - Method in class org.jwaf.schedule.ScheduleResourceObserver
createNotificationStructure(String, String, NotifiableUserAdapter, NotifiableUserAdapter) - Method in class org.jwaf.notify.NotificationsBuilder


date - Variable in class org.jwaf.schedule.WorkDateTime
debug(Object) - Static method in class org.jwaf.core.LogDelegate
Log a debug mode message
deleteBusinessObject() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic
Delete the encapsulated business object
deleteBusinessObject(BusinessObject) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic
Delete the business object from persistent that matches the passed transient business object.
DeleteBusinessObjectAction - class org.jwaf.action.DeleteBusinessObjectAction.
Delete the business object from persistence.
DeleteBusinessObjectAction() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.action.DeleteBusinessObjectAction
differenceInDays(WorkDateTime) - Method in class org.jwaf.schedule.WorkDateTime
differenceInDays(WorkDateTime, WorkDateTime) - Method in class org.jwaf.schedule.WorkDateTimeUtilityImpl
DuplicatePersistenceException - exception org.jwaf.bo.DuplicatePersistenceException.
A create caused a duplicate object in persistence exception
DuplicatePersistenceException() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.bo.DuplicatePersistenceException
Creates new DuplicatePersistenceException without detail message.
DuplicatePersistenceException(String) - Constructor for class org.jwaf.bo.DuplicatePersistenceException
Constructs an DuplicatePersistenceException with the specified detail message.


EmailNotification - class org.jwaf.notify.EmailNotification.
This is an email notification
EmailNotification() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.notify.EmailNotification
EmailNotification(Notification) - Method in class org.jwaf.notify.EmailNotification
error(Object) - Static method in class org.jwaf.core.LogDelegate
Log an error message
exception(Exception) - Static method in class org.jwaf.core.LogDelegate
Log an exception message


find(Object) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic
Given the primary key, this method finds the object, sets the encapsulated business object to it and returns a persistent object.
findAllBusinessObjects() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic
Get all business objects of the type
findBusinessObject(Object) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic
Given the primary key, this method finds the object, sets the encapsulated business object to it and returns a business object.
form - Variable in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction


getActionForward() - Method in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
Get the default action.
getAttribute() - Method in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
Returns the attribute to be used for the business object
getBusinessObject() - Method in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
Get the business object this action is related to.
getBusinessObject() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic
Gets the encapsulated business object
getCollection() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectCollection
getDatabase() - Method in class org.jwaf.persist.CastorManager
getDatabase() - Method in class org.jwaf.persist.CastorDelegate
Returns the Castor database object for any direct access
getDelegate() - Method in class org.jwaf.persist.CastorManager
getDevLog() - Method in class org.jwaf.core.LogDelegate
Get the logger instance
getDisplayTime(int) - Static method in class org.jwaf.util.StringHandler
Gets time in hours / minutes / secs from totalSeconds
getEmailNotificationAddress() - Method in class org.jwaf.notify.NotifiableUserAdapter
getIdentity() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
Get the primary key object
getInboxNotificationAddress() - Method in class org.jwaf.notify.NotifiableUserAdapter
getInstance() - Static method in class org.jwaf.core.LogDelegate
Get singleton instance of LogDelegate
getInstance() - Static method in class org.jwaf.core.ResourceManager
Get singleton instance of ResourceManager
getInstance() - Static method in class org.jwaf.persist.CastorManager
getIntegerKey() - Method in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
Get the id parameter as an Integer primary key
getVector() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectCollection


hasNext() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectCollection


InboxNotification - class org.jwaf.notify.InboxNotification.
This notification goes to the user's inbox
InboxNotification() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.notify.InboxNotification
info(Object) - Static method in class org.jwaf.core.LogDelegate
Log an information message
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.jwaf.util.StartupServlet
isDateWithinDays(WorkDateTime, Integer) - Method in class org.jwaf.schedule.WorkDateTimeUtilityImpl
isEmptyString(String) - Static method in class org.jwaf.util.StringHandler
Gets the EmptyString attribute of the StringHandler class


jdoAfterCreate() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
This method is called by persistence engine
jdoAfterRemove() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
This method is called by persistence engine
jdoBeforeCreate(Database) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
This method is called by persistence engine on before create.
jdoBeforeRemove() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
This method is called by persistence engine
jdoGetTimeStamp() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
Get the timeStamp of last persistence.
jdoLoad(short) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
This method is called by persistence engine when object is loaded from persistence
jdoPersistent(Database) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
This method is called by persistence engine
jdoSetTimeStamp(long) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
Set the timeStamp of last persistence.
jdoStore(boolean) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
This method is called by persistence engine
jdoTransient() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
Castor before create call back method
jdoUpdate() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObject
This method is called by persistence engine when object is updated in persistence


load(QueryResults) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectCollection
loadConfiguration() - Method in class org.jwaf.persist.CastorDelegate
Load the XML mapping and database file
log(Object) - Static method in class org.jwaf.core.LogDelegate
Log a generic (normal priortiy) message
LogDelegate - class org.jwaf.core.LogDelegate.
A delegate for all application logging


mapping - Variable in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
mark(Class) - Static method in class org.jwaf.core.LogDelegate
Demark a class with a title
Message - class org.jwaf.notify.Message.
A generic message class that can be used on notifications
Message() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.notify.Message
MessageWithLink - class org.jwaf.notify.MessageWithLink.
An extension of the message class that has a hyperlink
MessageWithLink() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.notify.MessageWithLink


next() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectCollection
nextBusinessObject() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectCollection
Notifiable - interface org.jwaf.notify.Notifiable.
This interface marks any object that can be notified
NotifiableUserAdapter - class org.jwaf.notify.NotifiableUserAdapter.
This is an adapter that allows a generic user to be a Notifiable object
NotifiableUserAdapter() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.notify.NotifiableUserAdapter
Notification - class org.jwaf.notify.Notification.
This is the main notification object
Notification() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.notify.Notification
NotificationCollection - class org.jwaf.notify.NotificationCollection.
This class serves as a collection of notifications for multichanneled notifications
NotificationCollection() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.notify.NotificationCollection
NotificationsBuilder - class org.jwaf.notify.NotificationsBuilder.
This is a builder for any type of notification, including multichannel notifications
NotificationsBuilder() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.notify.NotificationsBuilder


org.jwaf.action - package org.jwaf.action
org.jwaf.bo - package org.jwaf.bo
org.jwaf.core - package org.jwaf.core
org.jwaf.notify - package org.jwaf.notify
org.jwaf.persist - package org.jwaf.persist
org.jwaf.schedule - package org.jwaf.schedule
org.jwaf.util - package org.jwaf.util


perform() - Method in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
Perform the main business logic
perform() - Method in class org.jwaf.action.UpdateBusinessObjectAction
perform() - Method in class org.jwaf.action.ViewBusinessObjectCollectionAction
perform() - Method in class org.jwaf.action.ViewBusinessObjectAction
perform() - Method in class org.jwaf.action.DeleteBusinessObjectAction
perform() - Method in class org.jwaf.action.AddBusinessObjectAction
perform(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
Final abstraction of Stuts action.
plural(int) - Static method in class org.jwaf.util.StringHandler
Return an "s" if number is greater than 1


remove() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectCollection
removeCharacter(String, char) - Static method in class org.jwaf.util.StringHandler
Remove all characters in character from source
removeCharacters(String, String) - Static method in class org.jwaf.util.StringHandler
Remove a character from a string
replaceKeyValue(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.jwaf.util.StringHandler
Replace all occurences of key with value in the source string
request - Variable in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
ResourceManager - class org.jwaf.core.ResourceManager.
This singleton class manages references to application wide (scarce) resources.
Resources - class org.jwaf.schedule.Resources.
This is a collection of resources that can be assigned to a schedule.
Resources() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.schedule.Resources
response - Variable in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction


SchedulableEvent - interface org.jwaf.schedule.SchedulableEvent.
This interface defines an event that can be assigned to a schedule.
SchedulableResource - interface org.jwaf.schedule.SchedulableResource.
This interface defines a resource that can be assigned to a schedule.
Schedule - class org.jwaf.schedule.Schedule.
This is the schedule object that represents a schedule with an event and resources
Schedule() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.schedule.Schedule
ScheduleResourceObserver - class org.jwaf.schedule.ScheduleResourceObserver.
This class applies the Observer pattern, it observes schedule changes and resource to handle notifications.
ScheduleResourceObserver() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.schedule.ScheduleResourceObserver
ScheduleUserAdapter - class org.jwaf.schedule.ScheduleUserAdapter.
This is an Adapter for making a generic user object a schedulable resource
ScheduleUserAdapter() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.schedule.ScheduleUserAdapter
sendNotification() - Method in class org.jwaf.notify.Notification
sendNotifications() - Method in class org.jwaf.notify.NotificationsBuilder
session - Variable in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
setBusinessObject(BusinessObject) - Method in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
Sets the business object to the parameter.
setBusinessObject(BusinessObject) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic
Sets the encapsulated business object to passed business object.
setCollection(ArrayList) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessObjectCollection
setCollection(BusinessObjectCollection) - Method in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
setCollectionVector(BusinessObjectCollection) - Method in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
setExtraBusinessObject(String, BusinessObject) - Method in class org.jwaf.action.UserAction
Sets extra business objects for the JSP to use as beans
setInboxNotificationAddress(String) - Method in class org.jwaf.notify.NotifiableUserAdapter
StartupServlet - class org.jwaf.util.StartupServlet.
A startup servlet that loads up framework wide singletons.
StartupServlet() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.util.StartupServlet
StringHandler - class org.jwaf.util.StringHandler.
Helps in manipulating and formatting strings
StringHandler() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.util.StringHandler
substituteKeys(String, Hashtable) - Static method in class org.jwaf.util.StringHandler
Replace all keys in source based on the keys and values in replaceTable
subtractDays(WorkDateTime, Integer) - Method in class org.jwaf.schedule.WorkDateTime
subtractDays(WorkDateTime, Integer) - Method in class org.jwaf.schedule.WorkDateTimeUtilityImpl


updateBusinessObject() - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic
Update a business object in persistence
updateBusinessObject(BusinessObject) - Method in class org.jwaf.bo.BusinessLogic
Update a business object in persistence, also sets encapsulated business object to the parameter
UpdateBusinessObjectAction - class org.jwaf.action.UpdateBusinessObjectAction.
Update the business object in persistence with the state of the business object in request (user udpated form).
UpdateBusinessObjectAction() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.action.UpdateBusinessObjectAction
UserAction - class org.jwaf.action.UserAction.
An abstract user action for servicing user activity related business logic.
UserAction() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.action.UserAction


ViewBusinessObjectAction - class org.jwaf.action.ViewBusinessObjectAction.
Load the business object into page context so a JSP can access it.
ViewBusinessObjectAction() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.action.ViewBusinessObjectAction
ViewBusinessObjectCollectionAction - class org.jwaf.action.ViewBusinessObjectCollectionAction.
Load the business object collection into page context so a JSP can access it.
ViewBusinessObjectCollectionAction() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.action.ViewBusinessObjectCollectionAction


WorkDateTime - class org.jwaf.schedule.WorkDateTime.
This is an extension of the Date object that work with business days (excluding holidays).
WorkDateTime() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.schedule.WorkDateTime
WorkDateTimeUtilityImpl - class org.jwaf.schedule.WorkDateTimeUtilityImpl.
This class has utilities for the WorkDateTime class
WorkDateTimeUtilityImpl() - Constructor for class org.jwaf.schedule.WorkDateTimeUtilityImpl